It had been very quiet here until the past couple of weeks. The Goldfinch have been constant visitors without a day going by when there is a least one on the feeders. We had one day 15 - including several on the floor picking up the dropped seed. That was quite something watch.
The Coal Tit has also become a bit more of a regular and sometimes brings along another two with him. I've never seen that many together before. Blue Tits and Great Tits are in and out most days. Plus we are finally getting Blackbirds back in the garden after not seeing a single one in a month or more.
House Sparrows, Starlings, Collared Doves and Dunnocks are in the garden often and just this morning I had my second sighting of a Wren in the garden this year when it came and sat on the fence near the window.
Last week we had a bit of excitement when a Sparrowhawk settled in the tree next door scaring off the birds on the feeders. They left very quickly altogether about a minute before it appeared. I don't know how they knew it was coming. It's only the second time i've seen one here since we moved in two years ago. I have mixed feelings about this bird, they are stunning to see and we saw one in action a few times at our previous house. I could live without that kind of bird activity in my garden again though.
Finally a few pictures from the garden in the rain, which after a long dry spell seems here to stay at the moment.
The best picture I could get before the rain destroyed it.