Tuesday, 28 July 2009

The Serpentine

Our recent trip to London didn't really involve much wildlife apart from a couple of walks through Hyde Park and by the side of the Serpentine.

There were plenty of Geese around - Canada mostly a very large flock across the lake from where we walked. We stopped by the island and had a Heron flying overhead and one just landed on the edge of the island and waded through the water for a while.

All the ducks were expectant but we had no food for them, though other people did. The usual Mallards were there along with Pochards, Tufted Ducks, and Moorhens. A Great Crested Grebe was asleep in distance.

On the post nearby were plenty of Gulls, most of which were too far off for me to ID but I think
there were a few Black Headed Gulls amongst them. I saw my first Cormorant here several years ago and wasn't disappointed again with one sat on one of the posts close by.

Not the greatest shot but at least you can tell what it is!!

We did have a great trip despite not having much time to spend looking at the wilder parts of London! Heading to Scarborough at the weekend (if it isn't torrential rain still) so hoping for some seabirds there.

Thought I'd finish with a shot of something not quite so native to London!


  1. Looks like a great time Pam and that you had some nice weather. It has been pouring all day today here. I enjoyed the photos and the last one made me smile.

  2. The rain is driving me mad, though it does bring the birds into the garden!
